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Another option is to cover your page with acrylic paint. You can start by covering the page with white gesso and when the gesso is dry, coating the page with a different color of acrylic.
You can prepare some pages with a solid color of paint or before the acrylic dries, you can take the back end of your paintbrush and drag lines through the acrylic paint, revealing the white gesso underneath while creating textured lines on your page.
You could use layers of different colors in acrylic paint and when dragging lines through the top layer, other colors will show through. This technique gives you a lot of options and can sometimes be a finished piece in itself.
Watercolor is also a great way to prepare some journal bases. Using watercolor paper cut to size, you can do a wash of one or more colors. You can also use old watercolor paintings that you no longer want to use for a finished piece and cut it into 4×6 inch pieces to use for your Daily Visual Journal.
piece cut from an old watercolor painting
acrylic painting on tagboard
watercolor on watercolor paper
acrylic over gesso