Art Therapy

With Kelly Darke

Kelly Darke, M.Ed., ATR-BC, BFA is a board-certified art therapist, published author, former K-12 art teacher, professional artist, and speaker.

About Kelly



I always look forward to Kelly’s classes, knowing that I will leave feeling happier, calm, and deeply connected to my true self. It’s a refreshing and enriching break from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a peaceful and introspective experience.”


Art & Mindfulness 1:1 Sessions

Meet with me each week to fully dive into the core of your goals – your ultimate intention in life – the joy that motivates and inspires you! 

We are in this together!

Each session will be an intuitive, healing, hands-on art making experience tailored to you and designed for your personal growth.

  • Each week you will get art and mindfulness tasks for creating, meditating, self-reflection, and joy.
  • Skills to reduce stress, improve emotional regulation, and improve self-awareness.
  • Follow up emails, voice notes, and texts to keep you joyfully on track.

Kind of like a creative motivational speaker in your pocket cheering you on every step of the way!

Who are my clients?

My clients are expressive adolescents to adults seeking support in their journey of self discovery and personal growth. My clients absolutely believe in the healing power of art & mindfulness 🙂

My clients also understand that this practice takes time and commitment in between meetings with me. Art & Mindfulness is a neuroscience based practice that requires daily repetition (ok, maybe not daily but close!) to fully integrate into your self-care and wellness routine. Just like it takes practice and training to get better at a sport, it takes practice and training to change our brain for the better!

Research in neuroscience shows the beneficial effects of creating art, viewing art, and engaging in a multitude of creative expressions. We have the ability to activate our brain’s natural reward system in order to reduce stress and improve our overall wellbeing – my clients know this and experience it.

We are all creative

You do not need any prior art making experience. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to do this. 

I do have some favorite materials that I like to use, however you are welcome to use whatever art materials you have – a piece of paper and a pencil are all that is truly required. 

When you purchase an Art & Mindfulness package of 8 or more sessions, I will send you a little gift of supplies that I like 🙂


Please email me at, or fill out the form below with all your questions. We can discuss costs, time commitments, and scheduling.