Gratitude for Our Goals

Guided Journaling Workshop with Grace Kelly

Start thinking and feeling more clearly and joyfully about what your goals mean to you, and what it means to you to achieve them.

This workshop utilizes the art of writing as a method for reframing your mindset around goals. With the assistance of guided journal prompts, writing exercises, and group discussions, we will learn how to use gratitude as a tool for gaining clarity, inspiration, and motivation toward our goals. 

All you need is a pencil, paper, and a desire to more deeply understand gratitude and your goals.

Space is limited to six individuals per group.

Keep reading to learn more about the purpose and goal of this workshop, and about what exactly we’ll be doing.

Register Now for Sept. 5th – 19th and Oct.3, 2024, Thursdays on Zoom from 6pm – 7:30pm EST


Thursdays, 6pm – 7:30pm EST on Zoom

Sept. 5th – Week One – Exploring Gratitude and Our Goals: Foundation

Sept. 12th – Week Two – Clearing the Path: One Step at a Time

Sept. 19th – Week Three – Staying Motivated: Loving Your Dreams

Oct. 3rd – Week Four – Confidence in Your Abilities: Integration

(please note: we are not meeting on Sept. 26th, 2024)

Reframe Your Mindset Around Goals

The purpose of this workshop is to build a foundation for how you discern your own thoughts and feelings around the goals that you have, the motivation that you have to reach them, and the way that you think and feel about the journey that you take to reach those goals. 

The goal of this workshop is not necessarily to choose a specific task and to complete it in these four weeks – our goal is that by the end of these four weeks you will be able to more clearly feel the excitement and joy that you inherently possess for having goals, and for the road that you take to achieve them.

How does gratitude help us define our goals?

By measuring our current goals and interests from a new perspective.

What ideas, information, and emotions are you considering when you sit down and define your goals? How much of those are purely your own, and how much come from other people?

By measuring our ideas, information, and emotions, purely through our own personal feelings of gratitude towards these things, we are able to filter out a lot of outside input that we may have internalized. We can finally start to get a clearer picture of what really matters to you.

How does gratitude help us reach our goals?

We first have to understand “Neuroplasticity.” The brain’s ability to change.

Neurons in the brain connect to each other and transmit information. Like computer coding; “if this, then that.” Pathways that are frequently used become physically stronger, and take less energy to process. Pathways that aren’t often used are weaker, and take more energy to process.

By consciously creating a habit of thinking about and expressing gratitude, we can literally “re-wire” our brains to naturally feel more grateful and motivated, rather than getting down on ourselves or procrastinating.

What will we be doing in this workshop?

Journal Prompts – Writing Exercises

Each week we will be given detailed, guided prompts, with which we will have 10 – 15 quiet minutes during the session to write about.


We will have guided group discussions at the beginning and end of every session, as well as after each writing exercise.


After each session, we will be given homework to complete during the week. This homework includes additional prompts/exercises to complete on your own time, as well as some simple tasks, related to a larger goal, that you will choose yourself.


Free PrintableInterconnected Goals & Gratitude

Get a taste of what we’ll be covering in Week One of this workshop with this free printable guided journal prompt.

Free PrintableS.M.A.R.T. Goals

We will not be directly incorporating this method within this workshop, but it’s a helpful resource that you may want to use for yourself.


Why am I offering this workshop?

For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with perfectionism around the ways in which I spend my time. It has always been of dire importance to me to feel like the tasks that I am doing serve some important, grand purpose. One of the difficulties with this, is that I did not understand what that grand purpose or goal was, or how the tasks that I did each day would serve it. This left me feeling directionless and unfulfilled by the effort that I wanted to put in to my life.

During some of my most difficult moments with this, I started writing lists. I wrote lists about what I wanted to do with my life, and about what I was grateful to already have in my life. Sometimes I had to ask for help with writing these lists from the people around me, because I felt so unclear – I asked for reminders of what they’ve seen bring me joy, what they’ve seen light me up.

Over the years, I wrote many of these lists – and I would review them, reorganize them, and rewrite them when I felt I needed to. These lists have been an invaluable tool for me to find my own gratitude for my goals – to feel clear about what I really want to do, to be able to recognize that my dreams and goals are possible, and to feel genuinely fulfilled by the effort that I put into achieving them.

Those lists are what inspired this workshop. The guidance and happiness that they have brought me is what I hope to share with you.